Monday, April 27, 2015

A Solid Week

Hello everyone,

This week was a solid week we had divisions again and I went to PaiƱu and enjoyed a day with Elder Een and this Saturday we planned out an Open House for the church, that went quite well and we will do that again in a couple of months, exhorting the people to use it as an opportunity to invite their friends to the church in a more relaxed environment.

Derlis and Sandra we talked well with them about baptism and about marriage and about the Word of Wisdom.  On Friday, Derlis committed to quit drinking and smoking in order to marry Sandra because he loves her a ton and it is the only reason that she does not want to marry him. Sunday was the birthday of Derlis and as far as I was informed he did not drink however he did smoke during lunch and surely a bit later.

As for Matias, he is now in France.  He left Thursday in the morning and it will be the last that we hear from him.

We found a new family that is at least listening to us.  The mom is named Miriam and her children Fabian, Claudia and Camila.  The mom became interested in religion when her son did his First Communion in the church Catolica and found an openess in her soul that needed filling up. Her schedule of the day reminds me of the schedule of an American mom driving around all over the place, getting things done, which is the first time that I have run in to that feeling here.

It did not rain this week. TEMPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are awesome!  So, they are finally making it official.  It brings back memories when it was first announced and everyone went crazy.

Love you all!
Elder Call

Monday, April 20, 2015

Another Week in Paraguay

Hey everyone,

I did receive the birthday package on Tuesday and it was sweet. The highlight I think would have to be the Jensen Family Calendar and all the pics of the family that updated me a little bit.  Please tell Grandma, “thanks” for me.

I have not tried making ice cream and do not know if I will, but it is good to have the recipe, so that by chance I do have a real desire to make some, I can.

Mate Dulce is 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup water and 1 liter of milk; drank in a similar manner as of terere, but in place of the yerba you use coconut. It is quite good.  I think Justin made it for us when he arrived from his mission.

Cream.  Yes, I can get cream in Paraguay, at least heavy cream.  I should take photos of the store we do our shopping in.  It is huge, but yet, it is nice.

This week was Miguel’s birthday. On Thursday to be exact and so I made the cake that you sent me and we celebrated in the church, because it was ward night that night, and I gave him the little toys that you sent as his present.

As for church, this week we had none of the people we are teaching show up, which puts a bummer on the whole week. To talk about Nestor and Diana, the parents of Sharon and Miguel, the sister of Nestor is in the middle of a divorcement and said that there was a way to do it much cheaper and quicker. So they are super excited to do that so that they can marry one another.

Derlis and Sandra.  We really ride roller coasters with them and honestly I am confused as to what to do with them or better said how to help them.

Other than that, we have found several new people this week that could be potential work in progress.

Well, keep it up.

Love you all!
Elder Call

Monday, April 13, 2015

Things I Learned

For the report:

The things I learned. . .

How to make mate dulce
People do not drive well while drunk
If you are not careful you lose your chances
Keep your bag in front of you while on the buses
Paraguayans do not crash often because they drive slow
And a little about Armegedon

This week we had interviews with Presidente Agazzani and divisions with the zone leaders. On divisions with Elder Een, We tried to get permission from two parents of some kids they are teaching. One group we were told went to live with their mother in Ciudad Del Este. The other mom thought that her daughter was too young to make the decision and told us “no” quite firmly.  Also, we went to Tres Bocas to do an interview for the sisters.  Over there, everything went just fine and we got things ready for the baptism on Saturday.  Saturday morning, the sisters called us up and asked if we could baptize the girl.  We said 'yes,' but then she was a no show and her parents started lying a lot to the sisters and they dropped her.  We also came across a guy that had gone off the road and became stuck in a pile of burnt stuff.  He was a funny guy and would swear to his life, that he had only had a little to drink.  It was fun to help him get out.  It was also a good thing that he has some good friends that came to help.

Sandra and Derlis!! What a week with them.  On Wednesday night we taught them about fasting and reviewed the Word of Wisdom and we all planned to do a big ol' group fast with everyone to help Derlis quit drinking and so that Gisella (their 5 yr old daughter) recuperate from some cough.  Everyone was on board until Saturday night when we there to begin it. Derlis had gone to help a family move and Diana and Nestor did not have the faith that they could do it so they did not do it. Sandra wanted to start Sunday afternoon but I am afraid she did not. The whole family came to Church except Derlis and Geraldo (2 yr old son) because he (Derlis) had come home wasted from the moving party.

Alex is good, but he goes back to Argentina sooner than we thought, like this Wednesday, so he will be out of our reach in a short period of time.  We were not able to teach Claudia and she acted as though she would not like to meet with us.

We were able to meet some really cool people this week and on Sunday afternoon, so we will see where it all goes.

God lives. He is your Father. He loves you and as such has given His only Son, so that we, unworthy creatures, can be saved from the eternal punishments of God and receive His glory.  It is only possible, if we complete the requirements that Jesus Christ has set for us to do.  God has prepared a way for every one of his children to keep all of His commandments. Try to do it and do not fear.

I love you all!
Have a great week.

Elder Call

Monday, April 6, 2015

A Holy Week


What a Holy Week down here in Paraguay!!!  So this week was filled with lots of ups and downs.  To begin on a upside! General Conference!!!  What a blessing it is to listen to our beloved leaders of the Church. They seemed to focus a lot on the Family.  I am thankful to have been raised in a family that has cherished the commandments of God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ really does strengthen the bonds between the family when it is applied to each of our lives. We went to the Stake Center to watch the Conference both days, but Saturday, due to the rain and other electronical problems we were not blessed to watch the first session and about half of the second session, which was sad for us and super sad for the investigators.

Speaking of investigators:

Derlis and Sandra:  So this past week we have been emphasizing a bunch in asking God if the Book of Mormon is true.  Derlis has done it a couple times before and had felt nothing but all the rest of the people have not asked.  But on Wednesday night after telling Derlis to ask once more, he had a dream that started out as a nightmare and freaked him out and then this guy came to him and repeated “Pray and Read,” over and over, to continue reading and praying.  Shortly after he felt peaceful and calm and then woke up!!!!! So cool!!! So we are working with him on that again. With Sandra and everyone else they just keep forgetting to ask. Sandra says that she is kinda scared to ask, but I do not know why!!!!

Alex.  He is good.  We tried teaching him about faith and repentance but then we realized that he does not have a solid understanding of the Godhead and it does not seem like he feels guilt.  So it was kind of hard.  He did not come to General Conference this weekend, because, “he had a cough,” is what his cousin told me. haha.  Bueno .

Claudia contacted us Monday night and is super nice.  We have not shared (taught) with her yet, because when we arrived at her home, there was not a man present.  So we will have to bring one with us next time.  She came to General Conference on Sunday morning all by herself.  She seemed to enjoy it and had several questions.  So we will be working with her this week when we can.

God is your Father.  He loves you.  He has once again called prophets in our days to restore the pure doctrine of the Gospel.  He has provided a path to return home with Him.  This Path is the Gospel and can only be done thanks to the Grace and Atonement of the beloved Savior, Jesus Christ.   I hope that all people will humble themselves to accept this sweet doctrine.  It is Truth!!  You can accept it or not, but that does not change the fact that it is True.

I love you all and hope you have a great week.

Elder Call